The Opioid Epidemic And How We Can Prevent The Use of Prescription Drugs
In this week’s blog we will be discussing The Opioid Epidemic.
At Move Well MD we offer a focused team approach to treating your pain and postural dysfunctions. Our goal is to give the most comprehensive care by combining the best of Western/Eastern medicine and traditional/alternative treatments. This will allow you to start moving and functioning the way your body was designed and to prevent future problems.
The Opioid Epidemic and how we can prevent the use of prescription drugs.
The Opioid Epidemic is becoming one of the deadliest drug crisis in American history. It is currently killing people at a faster pace than The H.I.V. Epidemic. Almost every part of the country is struggling with opioid addiction.
At Move Well MD we make it our initiative to treat our patients physically rather than suppressing the pain with prescription drugs. We take our patients health and wellness very seriously and want to alleviate them of pain. We sit down with each patient in order to create a treatment plan that best fits them.
If you suffer from chronic pain, joint pain, back pain, sports injuries, muscle strains, etc. then you need a Chiropractic Adjustment. Here at Move Well MD we use hands on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments to relieve our patients of pain.
Our talented team of practitioners also offer:
Physical medicine
Physical rehabilitation
Chiropractic Care
Massage therapy
Ultrasound guided trigger point injections
Posture analysis
Digital range of motion testing
Digital X-rays
Joint injections
Nerve blocks for treatment of migraines/headaches
People come from all over New York because Move Well MD implements a strategy to get them moving again.
Our office is located in the Financial District of lower Manhattan NY, 10038 near Fulton Center, just a few stops from China Town, Soho/NoHo, The Oculus, Union Square, Times Square, Midtown, Chelsea, Wall Street, Williamsburg, Lower East side. #NYC
150 Broadway (between Maiden Lane and Liberty Street), Suite 1213.
Make an appointment today by calling (212)769-3210.
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